1. Create a .doc file with the following information:
+ Name
+ Age
+ Contact Information - Website, Email
+ Artist Statement
+ Artist Bio/Resume
+ Any Social Media Info - Twitter, Instagram, etc. (Optional)
2. Include 5-10 images that best represents your work or studio practice
+ Save all images as .jpegs
+ For video submissions - send us links to your projects/vimeo page
+ Be sure to specify which image you'd like us to use as your thumbnail image to your profile. (You're also welcome to give us a separate image you'd like us to use)
3. Include an image that will be used as your profile picture.
4. Be sure to label all of your files LastName_FirstName_Filename.jpg
5. Save all your files to a .zip folder.
+ Instructions for creating a .zip folder with a Mac.
+ Instructions for creating a .zip folder with Windows.